MUALA formally requests the posting of the Digital Experience Librarian position as a continuing appointment MUALA position. MUALA believes that it is necessary to fill this position as a continuing appointment MUALA position, for the following reasons:
- as evidenced in the recent University Library reorganization, this position was deemed strategically important to the library in moving forward; and,
- the responsibilities laid out in the Position Responsibility Statement for this position directly effect the workload of other MUALA members.
This work desperately needs to be done.
Furthermore, McGill University, University of Western Ontario, York University, University of Windsor, Ryerson University, and University of Guelph all have comparable librarian positions. McMaster University itself has had two such positions. Both of which have been vacated due to resignations.
By working together with administration on a posting, and hiring process for this position, MUALA also sees this as a significant opportunity to improve labour relations and morale in the University Library.