The MUALA Negotiating Team, met with the Administration for three days of collective bargaining June 28th-30th, 2010. During this time a number of non-monetary elements were tentatively agreed upon pending final agreement to the whole by both parties and subject to ratification by our members. These elements are of a more routine variety; we have not yet discussed the more substantial issues, such as appointments and promotions, etc. The next round of negotiations is set to take place July 19th-30th. In the interim, we will be working on the outstanding non-monetary items and be preparing for the monetary items discussions. It is expected that some remaining non-monetary and some forthcoming monetary proposals will be tabled by the administration prior to the next meeting. We are pleased with the progress to date, but realize that there is still much to be done – we are learning about the importance of being patient and the necessity of paying attention to, and keeping track of, the details, large and small.