Personal letters of support
May 9, 2011 – Carol Mazur
Professional & Faculty association letters of support
May 13, 2011 – University of Toronto Faculty Association (UTFA) Librarians Committee
May 20, 2011 – Association of University of New Brunswick Teachers (AUNBT)
May 24, 2011 – Association des Professeurs de l’Université d’Ottawa/Association of Professors of the University of Ottawa (APUO)
May 24, 2011 – Queen’s University Faculty Association (QUFA)
June 10, 2011 – Windsor University Faculty Association (WUFA)
June 20, 2011 – York University Faculty Assocation (YUFA) Librarian Members’
June 27, 2011 – Librarians’ Association of the University of Waterloo (LAUW)
June 29, 2011 – Edmonton Chapter of the Professional Librarians Guild
July 12, 2011 – Association of Professional Librarians of the University of Alberta (APLUA)
August 19, 2011 – Librarian members of the Brock University Faculty Association (BUFA)
August 25, 2011 – CAUT letter to President Patrick Deane
September 16, 2011 – The Faculty Association of Simon Fraser University (SFUFA)
September 23, 2011 – University of British Columbia Librarians and Archivists Association (UBCLAA)
Faculty association motions of support
April, 29, 2011 – Librarians’ and Archivists’ Council at the University of Regina
“On April 29th, 2011, the Librarians’ and Archivists’ Council at the University of Regina unanimously passed a motion in support of the librarians at McMaster University. The Council expresses its grave concern over the devaluing of the role of professional librarians at McMaster University library. We reaffirm the value of the ALA accredited masters degree in librarianship and the continuing core role of the library profession within the academic community.”
May 20, 2011 – Librarians Association of the University of Waterloo
“Executive members of the Librarians Association of the University of Waterloo join other library associations to voice our support for librarians at McMaster University. We are deeply concerned by the stated intensions of McMaster’s chief librarian to stop hiring ALA-accredited librarians. We question the wisdom behind a decision that will result in reducing or eliminating the inclusion of trained, dedicated professionals in this setting. We feel that this will not only have an immediate negative impact on the morale within the McMaster library system, but it will also lead to an erosion of sound stewardship practices over time, threatening the welfare of a collection on which scholars and students depend.”